My Voice of Reason

I have some incredible people in my inner circle that provide sound advice and listen to my wildest imaginative ideas.

You ever have those people in your life that provide a realistic approach to the decision-making process?

I have some incredible people in my inner circle that provide sound advice and listen to my wildest imaginative ideas. They validate my possibilities and cheer me on to victory. And all the time, they give encourage me through some of my darkest hours.

I pray that you have at least one person like that in your sacred circle.

Well, that lady pictured above is Judge Marilyn Johnson before whom I practiced for 8 years. She was a person who gave great advice whether you wanted it or not. Judge Johnson treated me like a daughter even though she had a daughter and a granddaughter. Practicing before her was both intense and funny. She had a way with words. A way of communicating with litigants what the plan action was going to be. A wonderful cook and devoted friend. She had great confidence in me. More than I expected of myself at certain times in my life.

Now what is my plan when it comes to pursuing other career paths?

She understood that being low-balled in salary was an insult.

Judge Johnson understood that when a company or department wants your skill set, they will find the money to make your offer worthy of what you bring to the table. She taught me that! The lessons are endless. I loved her and appreciated her. Wow! Just Wow! The loss is real. The loss is deep. She was my voice of reason through this chaos called career. My new normal is without her opinions or creative ideas or sound ear of judgment. There is a comfort in a multitude of counsel. Although I am missing her link to my complete wise circle, I know that I will make her proud by moving forward in the path planned for me.

RIH Judge Johnson.

Meditation: John 14:1, Hebrews 4:15, Proverbs 15:22, Matthew 12:34

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He Sees Me

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Inside me yearned for him to love me and see me. Love me and see me as the ONLY one who could make him his happiest of all time.

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