Ministry of Beaute
Reveal the Godly Beaute from within…

PURe Beaute’ Inc

As a developing vessel of honor, God desires to start that remolding process at a young age. The age of when learning and exploration of the world around us was fun.
Birthing PURe Beaute’ was from this need of quintessential need for our youngest girls to develop a healthy esteem of who they are before the world destroys their idealistic dreams and visions by forcing them to adopt an image of themselves that is superficial and empty.
The logo for PBInc. speaks to the very need of peeling off the world’s image of themselves through workshops, programs, career planning, esteem building and daily affirmations which will eventually reveal the Godly beauty from within.
Image Consultation

It is our pleasure to serve your beaute needs by connecting you with extraordinary talents in makeup artistry, wardrobe, grooming, hair stylists and so much more. We walk with you through the process of rediscovering that outer beauty from the inside out. Reigning from the inside out is our leading thought towards you. From photoshoots to modeling shows to career wardrobe planning. Connect with us and allow us to serve you for your beaute needs.

Pageantry is an elaborate display of great reverence for a person or a deity. In Pageantry, we thematically use color, instruments, song, dance, spoken word, drama and props to visually convey a clear message to the observer. Often times, pageantry is done in the reception of heads of state, kings, queens and other prominent officials as a form of honor. In the church community, we use pageantry to show our love towards God. God uses us as vessels of honor to show HIS love towards HIS people. Heaven on Earth is what we want and NEED!

I have enjoyed modeling since my younger 20’s. I have been a signature model for Soft Sheen Products, both domestic and international for products as Mizani and HairWerks. I have also been a cover girl for Bride Noir Magazine and a poster advertisement for HairWerks. I have been hired as an extra with shows like The Chi and 61st Street. I am currently active with 4 Star Casting Agency for various extra roles. Please review my portfolio here in this online stream.
For booking, please contact me at yahwehbeaute1@gmail.com.
The Beaute of our Hands…
Psalm 90:17 says the beauty of our hands are submitted to God to use as He sees fit. This is our entire personhood…nothing left out. And so here, at YBInc and PBInc we submit ourselves to a process of discovery, digging, pruning, repentance and releasing so that we can move to the greater self that God always intended us to be.
Our BEST has NOT occurred yet. We have not seen the GREATER levels as we matriculate from glory to glory. This is rocky, stony and difficult journey…likely the hardest thing we will ever do. But, we must if we are to Become who He has always intended us to be for HIS Glory.