He Sees Me
He sees my drive to pursue excellence at every cost. He sees me rubbing nickels together to make HIS Bride Intimate Conversations new, fun and exciting. He truly sees what I am trying to do for God.
He sees my drive to pursue excellence at every cost. He sees me rubbing nickels together to make HIS Bride Intimate Conversations new, fun and exciting. He truly sees what I am trying to do for God.
I choose to look at this picture fuel for me to use my “power” for the greater good even if that means stepping away.
Inside me yearned for him to love me and see me. Love me and see me as the ONLY one who could make him his happiest of all time.
I have some incredible people in my inner circle that provide sound advice and listen to my wildest imaginative ideas.
God says HE BROUGHT you out of that sunken place. As a direct result of your deliverance from that place, He opens your mouth WIDE.
Lamenting – I seem to find myself in situations where people hide their true intentions until surprise – it seems to come out of nowhere without warning.
This thing called infertility decided to pay me a visit. An unexpected visit. An unwanted guest. The kind of intruder that continues to have prime real estate in your psyche, your heart, and your body. Squatters rights to regulate your feelings in a matter of moments. Pictured above is my Big G praying for me … Read more
You do know that you have haters, right? Honey, haters are the very liquid that propels your drive into that extra strength you need to keep moving. It is not a strive for perfection. It is a strive towards greater maturity. Becoming mature is a level that never seems established but is always developing. There … Read more
That is my arm. This was my band that dictated how the nurses would handle me. I was a fall risk due to the anesthesia that I was under. I was also allergy prone to latex and possibly other lubricants that they might use in the procedure. This was a day I was excited and … Read more
I woke up to an email telling me that my client had died. He was a stubborn young man whom I had to win over. Not with charm or fake promises. But, with genuine care and authentic concern. I would often tell him that I needed him to to fight with me by doing his … Read more