Join the Sacred Dance
For centuries, the sacred dance has been utilized in worshiping our Heavenly Father…Through the sacred dancer, God ministers to His people by utilizing various movements and tools of ministry.

Welcome to the Ministry of Dance

For centuries, the sacred dance has been utilized in worshiping our Heavenly Father. God’s People have leaped, shouted, clapped and twirled in His Presence. This manual probes the scriptures for true understanding of what is required to be a Worshiper in the Dance. Through the sacred dancer, God ministers to His people by utilizing various movements and tools of ministry. This manual aids in fostering maturity and revelation for both the beginner and the established sacred dancer.
We Dance
As dancers, we must consecrate ourselves internally to present our bodies as empty vessels for God to use as He desires. The sacred dancer is required to be a priest unto God for His Glory. It is for the establishing of His Kingdom on Earth that
It is for the tearing down of strongholds and liberating the captive that
It is for the pure essence of
worshiping the God of our salvation that
It is solely for His good pleasure that
WE DANCE for Him and Him alone.

Meet Kina

Meet Kina – Founder and Chief Executive Officer of YAHWEH Beaute Incorporated (“YBInc.”), a Kingdom-based business. Her company provides Biblical instruction, discipline and cultivation for several dance ministries in the Chicagoland area.