
Lamenting - I seem to find myself in situations where people hide their true intentions until surprise – it seems to come out of nowhere without warning.

Kina Arnold Lamenting

Life has a way of making you feel less about everything and everyone around you. Their actions toward you causes you to question your place with them. It even affects how you relate to those around you. I seem to find myself in situations where people hide their true intentions until surprise – it seems to come out of nowhere without warning. I asked my hubbie the other day: Why does it seem that I am a true, pure friend to everyone else BUT IT IS NOT RECIPROCATED? Have you ever felt like this before or is it just me. I just do not understand why I keep experiencing this same scenario with different people. This has happened no matter the venue: ministry or work or play. It is always the same. My mentor told me that I have an expectation for people to handle me how I handle them. I treat people with utmost respect and kindness. I show my love and honor of our relationship by supporting them and helping them. Some of those people do not do this for me. Some of those people have not done that for me. Some of those people continue to have their hand out for me to pour more into their lives – empty me out, ring me dry until the next time they need me. When I go to them, no time for me? I am learning that I will never let “others” dictate the way I move, shake, bake, rattle or roll. I will continue to be supportive to those causes and people that I desire or I am led to by Abba. I will continue to pursue my dreams, goals and plans for my life and the life of my family. It’s game time ya’ll. I am here to not only play but to conquer, achieve and BEcome who God knew me to be from the beginning. I am excited about this revelation because its both encouraging and life-giving for my next. My next is now. My now is here.

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He Sees Me

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